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Creating the culture
The numbers
150 people
The asset
600,000 sq. ft.
36 storey landmark retail & office tower including the largest health club in the square mile
The Location
London, England
The client had five supply partners, all delivering different services with diverse teams.
There was inconsistent customer service and there was a reduction in occupancy levels. The recruitment, selection and training were all being delivered differently, resulting in divided staff engagement, high attrition rates and attitudes towards work.
With increased demands from their own occupier customers and an increase in service level performance targets, a new approach was needed.
Taking a top-down approach, we worked with all supply chain leadership teams to review and adapt their internal processes to lay the important foundations to create ‘one team’.
We held customer interviews to understand their current service experiences. We translated the asset’s Vision and Mission into behaviours to support and encourage a change of mindset.
Across a three-year period, we designed and delivered a supply chain harmonisation programme with regular blended learning workshops and project groups with live operational projects. This included teambuilding outdoor events and luxury brand analysis across London.
We assisted in the creation of customer centricity by enabling the team to challenge the systems and processes that prevented experiences from happening.
We promoted and encouraged a high trust culture for people to find their voices, empowering them to deliver the small thoughtful things that create meaningful moments of truth.
The team truly worked together, helping each other regardless of the supply partner that paid their salary. Occupiers experienced empathetic responses and small gestures that connected with them remained memorable. At the end of the programme, the asset achieved 100% occupancy.
The site team won a customer service award and attrition rates stabilised at the building. There was a huge boost in morale and empowerment, for example the cleaning teams created marketing posters for their trolleys to promote forthcoming building events.
Customer feedback was more positive resulting in a better Kingsley Survey result (delivered by Kingsley Associates, Business Intelligence).
The asset became a ‘showcase’ property used in client pitches and across EMEA for staff training as a result of the exceptional and consistent customer service delivery.
Won a Customer Services Award.
Attrition rates stabilised.
More positive occupier feedback. Improved Kingsley Survey Result.
The asset achieved 100% occupancy.
Inspiring case studies
Case studies covering all disciplines from team building events, guest speaking and training programmes to tailored management systems that really highlights how our rich expertise can steer your business towards a successful future.